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Sterling Pool Service Blog

What a Pool Owner Needs to do When Pool Equipment Does Not Run

When pool equipment does not run, you must still maintain the chemicals in your pool. Swimming pool owners seldom realize this can be done even when the water does not circulate....

Let’s Talk Rain and Pool Chemicals

Here in Dallas, we have received a continual cycle of rain for months. This makes it a challenge to keep pool chemicals balanced. But how does this affect your pool?...

When to Have DECK-O-SEAL (Mastic) Replaced

When the DECK-O-SEAL around the pool’s perimeter is cracked, has gaps, or is missing, it’s time to be replaced. ...

Swimming Pool Gas Heaters

Assuming the pool heater uses natural gas, the meter must be sized – at minimum – to the capacity of the pool heater itself and all gas appliances in the house....

Pool Maintenance Expenses

Owning a swimming pool has expenses but a homeowner can minimize the pool costs by proper pool maintenance year round. Each week pool chemicals must be checked and balanced. Nothing affects plaster de...

Swimming Pool Heaters

Just as it is important for the pool heater to be sized properly, it is almost as important that the gas meter is sized appropriately for the pool heater. ...

Pool Inspection

When you are buying a new home with a swimming pool, you need a qualified pool company to do a detailed inspection of the swimming pool equipment, pool plaster condition....

What to Do When Your Pool Cleaner is Detached from the Wall

When your pool cleaner is detached from the wall and not functioning, there are steps to take to remedy the situation. Here is what you should do....

If You Notice Water on the Equipment Pad

What does it mean when you notice water on the equipment pad of your pool?...

Freezing Temperatures

Although we service your pool weekly, this information may be helpful should something happen between our visits or should you experience freezing temperatures....

What to do Between Professional Pool Cleaning Services

In between professional pool cleaning and maintenance services, there are certain things you can do as a swimming pool owner to help keep your pool looking good. Use the following simple tasks to keep...

Why You Should Hire a Pool Service Company

If you want to save time, effort, and money maintaining your pool you should consider hiring a pool service company to do this for you. Here are some of the reasons why this is a good idea....

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