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Job completed for Wally O.

Completion date: December 7, 2016

Location: Plano, TX

Why did the customer contact us?

He called us because someone had driven through his fence over the weekend and crushed his pool equipment. Wally asked if we could come to repair it ASAP.

Solutions provided:

We started this repair by first installing a new 400,000 BTU Heater, which included all gas plumbing, new electrical wiring from the heater to the timer and included haul-off of the old heater. Then we installed a new 2HP Pentair Whisperflo pool pump which included all of the related wiring and plumbing, re-plumbing of Jandy valves and check valves. To date that's all of the work, his insurance company has approved. There will be more to come.

Photos & Videos:

Pentair WhisperFlo Pump
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Pentair WhisperFlo Pump
Jandy 400k btu
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Jandy 400k btu